General Information

  • Please have your carts out the night before on your designated service day to avoid a Residential garbage services general inforeturn trip $15.00 charge, and must be placed in the street and/or alley for pick-up.
  • It is necessary that all items fall freely from your cart with lids completely closed.
  • Carts are not to exceed 100lbs- No Dirt, Rock, Concrete, asphalt hazardous, toxic or e-waste
  • Keep carts three-feet away from other containers or structures.
  • The trucks lifting arm needs at least three-feet on either side of the rolling cart to wrap around the container. Garbage carts must be placed three feet from other carts, recycling bins, and/or yard waste.
  • Keep carts three-feet away from telephone poles, automobiles, mailboxes, basketball poles or other structures that will prevent the truck's lifting arm from grasping and lifting the carts to empty them into the truck
  • Be sure the opening of the lid is towards the street, and the cart handles facing your house. This allows the lid to open fully when the cart is tipped over and above the truck bay. If the hinge faces the wrong way the lid or hinges may be damaged, and trash to spill out into street.
  • Make sure that there is a twelve-foot vertical clearance above carts.
  • Place your cart away from low phone or electric wires, low hanging tree branches or other overhead obstructions. The twelve-foot vertical clearance is necessary for the truck's lifting arm to elevate the cart above the loading bay where it is emptied.
  • Do not place carts behind parked cars, fire hydrant trees or other obstructions.
  • Do not place carts where access to them is blocked. The automated truck lifting arm is not able to reach behind trees or other objects. The efficiency of this system depends on the driver being able to remain in the truck.
  • Be sure the cart is placed on a level surface, within three feet of the roads edge. The automated lifting arm when fully extended has a horizontal reach of only three-feet

SB1383 and City of Modesto

Starting December 1, 2022, residents and businesses will receive a third cart - a blue container for recycling. Collection for the new blue cart will begin on January 1, 2023.

Residential Holiday Hours Observed

  • New Years
  • 4th of July
  • Thanksgiving
  • Christmas
* If you garbage service day falls on any of these holiday's your service day will be delayed one day.